
Physical Therapy
Our staff of physical therapists deliver care to patients in areas such as range of motion, gait training, ambulation assistance, wound care, muscular reeducation and other areas of post trauma or post-operative care. We are available to treat patients seven days a week and work closely with all attending physicians. Our main goal is to get the patient back to their highest level of functioning through an interdisciplinary approach with the nursing staff.
Occupational Therapy
Our occupational therapists are focused on the activities of daily living for our patients. The goal is to get them to be as independent as possible through working closely with our therapists and the nursing staff. We also provide special programs such as contracture management and stroke recovery reeducation.
Speech Therapy
Speech therapists attend to the needs of patients regarding swallowing issues, cognitive deficits, memory programs and difficulty in speech and language. The therapists work closely with all physicians in setting up and implementing a patient’s plan of care.
Outpatient Therapy
Pure Health Therapy Services is not limited to providing quality services only to residents of the
facilities that we are located in, but also can serve anyone from the local community. We can work with your
physician to help get the proper referrals and orders for our services.
For more information, please call 1-601-856-8041 to speak to a therapist
or email info@purehealththerapyservices.com.